Disney-themed hard-core porn site features beloved characters in sex acts

by Michael Foust, Guest Reviewer |

WASHINGTON (Christian Examiner) – A petition that urges Disney to take legal action and shut down Disney-themed hard-core porn sites has garnered more than 12,000 signatures in less than a week.

The petition at CitizenGo.org was launched by Enough is Enough, a non-profit organization that works to make the Internet safer for families and children.

The porn websites – not affiliated with Disney -- use cartoon characters from Disney movies.

"Disney characters are cherished by children worldwide and need to be protected from unscrupulous pornographers who depict them in obscene pictures and videos performing graphic sexual acts," said Enough is Enough President Donna Rice Hughes. "... The multi-billion dollar Internet porn industry has historically used deceptive and misleading marketing tactics to trick online users to get them to their porn sites, including the misuse of popular cartoon characters."

Rice has tried unsuccessfully for more than a decade to get Disney to get serious and take legal action against the porn sites. She made the issue public when she learned Disney had filed a lawsuit in recent months against VidAngel, a company that allows families to filter out objectionable content in streamed movies. Disney asserts VidAngel is violating copyright laws. Rice says VidAngel is protected by a 2005 law – and that Disney is inconsistent in its copyright position.

The petition reads, in part, "A recent Google search on Disney-themed porn yielded over 12,600,000 search returns that are exploiting and capitalizing the Disney brand and characters. They are doing this because they can, and only Disney has the muscle and legal authority to take action. ... For the sake of children and families in America and all over the world, please take legal action now to stop this abuse of our beloved Disney characters and protect our children's innocence."