Should Christians Be Concerned About Whom They Do Business With?

Should Christians Be Concerned About Whom They Do Business With?

If you are paying money to an individual for their services, does it matter what their religious, ethical, and moral beliefs are or what causes they support? If you are buying products, do the manufacturers' ethics, or morals matter and does it matter if they support non-Christian or anti-Christian ...

Headline News

Character Counts: 5 Traits to Instill in Your Daughter

As women, the messages we hear from the world are loud and clear. They tell us to act and speak and dress a certain way to be noticed and valued. Those same messages begin to bombard our daughters even before their brains are developed enough to process them. This is a reason they start to ...

Keep Some Mystery in Your Marriage

Mystique and intrigue keep people interested in each other. But the more comfortable and familiar we are with each other, the less intriguing we become.

Why Social Media Makes Us Unhappy

A past study from the University of Michigan showed that "Facebook use actually predicts declines in a user's well-being." Although the study doesn't go so far as to attempt to explain exactly why, I offer here a few explanatory suggestions. Oh yeah... and it's poetry (because poetry and ...

When Things Seem Impossible, Remember His Faithfulness

Isn't it amazing that God can move on our behalf, and in a moment of crisis, come through with just the right answer or provision for that hour? And then, isn't it even more amazing when He does it again, and again, and again? But as remarkable as this is, I find it even more amazing that when we ...

Tackling Stress With a Sense of Humor

A sense of humor is essential for handling the stresses of life. The ability to find something funny in life is a key feature to discovering joy in a sometimes rather dreary world. Laughter allows you to bleed tension out of your mind and body. It allows you to deal with difficult situations.

10 Questions to Ask When Looking for a New Church

Looking for a new church can be an exciting process, but it can also be discouraging and even frustrating. Here are 10 questions that may help you work through that process – 5 you should ask before you leave your current fellowship, and 5 you should ask before you arrive at the new one.

The Gospel of the Second Advent

On a Sabbath day—a little over thirty years after He had taken upon Himself a human nature and was given the human name Jesus—the eternal Son of God stepped into the synagogue in His home town of Nazareth. Imagine the intense interest His presence aroused among the other worshippers that day. He ...

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