Which advent is in view in 'Joy to the World'?

Which advent is in view in 'Joy to the World'?

One of the most popular Advent/Christmas hymns, even among unbelievers, is "Joy to the World," written by British pastor Isaac Watts. You can't walk in many malls or eat at many restaurants during the month of December without hearing this song. One of the interesting questions raised about this ...

Other articles by Scott Aniol

Thanksgiving: The primary worship response

In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln established an annual national holiday of Thanksgiving to be observed on the last Thursday in November. Most of us look forward to this holiday, a day on which we eat good food, enjoy time with family and friends, and perhaps watch some football. And we will ...

Reformation Hymns

Reformation Sunday is coming up on October 28. In our church, each year on Reformation Sunday we sing Reformation hymns, that is, hymns that in some way connect to the Reformers and the movement they sparked.

Why Christians Must Gather as the Church to Worship

It is becoming increasingly popular today to assume that since the essence of worship is the language of the gospel, then it follows that worship is all of life, and there is nothing distinct or significant about corporate gatherings of worship.

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