Muslim terrorists promise 'Afro-Americans' mercy if they assassinate & target 'racist politicians'

by Gregory Tomlin, |
An article in Inspire magazine focuses on the plight of blacks in American history. The magazine article calls on blacks to win justice by force and to kill white politicians. According to the article from Al Qaeda, there is no such thing as racism in Islam. | MEMRI

NEW YORK (Christian Examiner) – Al Qaeda's newest edition of Inspire, a jihadist magazine aimed at recruiting terrorists from among the English-speaking world, encourages black Americans to rise up against their own government, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has reported.

In the Inspire article titled, "The Blacks in America," a writer calling himself Abu Abdiliah Al-Moravid claims the recent killings of blacks such as Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Md., and nine black parishioners at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., are unlike anything found in Islam.

Islam, Al-Moravid writes, "does not allow even the smallest kind of injustice, be it by words or having contempt for a particular race. We the Mujahedeen are a portion of the Muslim Ummah (nation), we do not accept any type of oppression against our Muslim brothers among the Afro-Americans, or even the non-Muslims. And the opposite of oppression is Justice, and this was we have been commanded by our religion."

The current Anglo-Saxon generation has been raised with this kind of arrogance mentality, arrogance towards all kinds of people – especially the black Americans. And history will never forget their past sufferings. Therefore, when we read about the killings of [a] black youth by the police or the white supremacists, we have to examine – as they say in criminology – the objectives and psychological motives to these crimes. From here we can say that the main motives to these crimes is not gun violence, as Obama tries to portray. But the reality is that we cannot separate this violence with the fanatic white racist supremacists, which must be stopped by all means possible.

Al-Moravid also claims the American media is helping white power structures in the country conceal the truth of what happened to Brown, Gray and others. In particular, he targets FOX News, the tool of the "Anglo-Saxon community" and an example of white arrogance.

The twisted version of history offered by Al-Moravid sounds much like a sermon from Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has argued that the material success of the United States is solely the result of black slave labor. Al-Moravid reminds black Americans of the oppression of Jim Crowe laws and white opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, and even claims President Abraham Lincoln emancipated the slaves not because it was the morally correct thing to do, but for political power.

"The liberation of Africans from the whites was not because of Lincoln's high morals, but because of the very existence of the blacks and the power they had established for themselves. This led to their emancipation, which was [due] to 'mutual interests' between the two parties," Al-Moravid writes.

The writer alleges that, in the modern context, all white politicians are racists and black politicians serving among them are "not the real representatives of their community." Most tragic, he wrote, is that many black soldiers have been sent to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill Muslims – a people just as oppressed as black Americans. For this, he writes, they will be held responsible if they do not change their ways.

"O, Afro-Americans, it is pity that you play a part in the oppression against Muslims. You are the ones who elect those who promise to continue waging war with us in our lands. You are the ones who elect those who promise to protect Israel, who aggressively and unjustly occupy our lands. This is a historic chance for you to review your actions, and to take a stand against these crimes in the face of these fanatics. As you condemn, you will be condemned. And as they say, whoever accepts injustice will be the first to be burnt by its fire," Al-Moravid writes.


The article concludes with five messages for black Americans to consider as they struggle against the U.S. government. First among those is an awkward absolution of sorts in which the jihadists claim that if a black American is killed in one of Al Qaeda's attacks, he or she "is justified according to us."

Second, the terror group encourages black Americans to encourage the U.S. government to cease operations against Muslims and stop oppressing the black community. They also ask black Americans to condemn the support the U.S. offers to Israel. If they do, Al-Moravid writes, blacks will not be targeted in future Al Qaeda operations.

To that end, the terror group says black Americans should move out of America's large cities, such as New York and Washington, D.C. – or cities that represent "the economy, politics or military strength of America." All are potential targets for a large scale terror attack.

According to the jihadist writer, black Americans should also recognize that "rights cannot be earned except by force." In order to obtain "justice," the writer claims, black Americans should first take a "civil open approach" to the problem, pressuring the government to capitulate to its demands. It also suggests a second approach:

"The second approach is by forming small groups that will be responsible for assassinating, [and] targeting these [white] racist politicians," Al-Moravid writes.

"The current Anglo-Saxon generation has been raised with this kind of arrogance mentality, arrogance towards all kinds of people – especially the black Americans. And history will never forget their past sufferings. Therefore, when we read about the killings of [a] black youth by the police or the white supremacists, we have to examine – as they say in criminology – the objectives and psychological motives to these crimes. From here we can say that the main motives to these crimes is not gun violence, as Obama tries to portray. But the reality is that we cannot separate this violence with the fanatic white racist supremacists, which must be stopped by all means possible."

In case black American's run out of ideas on how to kill whites and attack their government, the writer suggests referring to previous issues of its magazine "to find appropriate military ideas."

It is unclear why a review of the magazine's back issues would be necessary. The current edition features an article on proven assassination techniques and an expose on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.