Mama, You are a Theologian!

by Rebekah Hargraves, |
Rebekah Hargraves

I write extensively on the importance of moms knowing right theology and being students of the Word for themselves. Sometimes, however, the consensus from moms seems to be that they don't know how to be theologians; they don't know where to start or what that would look like in the midst of their busy lives.

But the truth of the matter is this: moms already are theologians. Everyone is!

Your theology refers to what you believe about God. Whether you are an atheist who doesn't believe in the existence of God at all or a seminary professor teaching God's truth at a deep and profound level, you are a theologian.

The reality is that you as a mom are teaching theology to your children day in and day out by the way you live your life and the words you say, the things you prioritize and what you idolize. The question is not whether or not you will be a theologian. The real question is this: are you teaching good and right, accurate and true theology or are you teaching false theology?

How to be a Good Theologian as a Mom

  • Be in the Word.

I know this pursuit may very well feel impossible in your current season as a busy mom. But I want to encourage you with the truth that, in today's world with the technology we have right at our finger tips, there are many ways that we can make the time to be in the Word as busy moms. We truly can incorporate time with the Lord into our busy everyday lives. If you would like practical tips for how to do this (beyond just the two blog posts linked above), I invite you to watch this video on How to Make God a Priority in the Season of Littles.

  • Share the Word.

To be good mommy theologians, it is not enough to be in the Word (as crucial as that is as a first step!). We have to know the truths of God's Word ourselves, but the natural outworking of that is to then share that Word with others – first and foremost being with our kids. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 shows us how to do just that: "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."

Raising our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4) need not require a ten-step program, or strict schedules of Bible reading and prayer time during the day. What is truly going to have the biggest impact on our children and their growing in their understanding of just how relevant and applicable the truths of God's Word really are is our simply sharing that truth with our children in the midst of the regular happenings of our day to day lives.

When your children fight, don't merely discipline – apply God's Word to the situation. When your children hear a report of bad news and wonder why bad things like that happen, don't merely seek to supply them with your own opinions – apply God's Word to it. When your children ask where flowers come from, don't merely offer the scientific answer – apply God's Word to their question.

This is a natural outworking of your life as a theologian seeking to grow in God's truth and will become the tool by which your children grow in their own theological prowess, as well. It doesn't have to be complicated. Just show your children how relevant God's Word is by applying it to everyday issues that arise, thereby equipping them to do the same.

  • Live the Word.

If we don't live the Word, walking in light of the truths and implications of the gospel in our day to day lives, it won't matter how much time we spend in the Word or how much we proclaim it to our children. If our children don't see the impact the Word of God is having in our hearts and lives in a tangible way, they will struggle to believe in its validity.

Read more about Mama, You are a Theologian! on The Christian Post.